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Central Heat Pump Water Heaters for Multifamily Supply Side Assessment Study & Workshop

March 28, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm PDT

Central Heat Pump Water Heater (HPWH) systems are an efficient hot water solution for multifamily buildings, with a lower operating cost than traditional systems. However, this technology faces a unique set of barriers, which present challenges to widespread adoption and energy equity. This session will summarize research on centralized HPWH systems in multifamily buildings from the perspective of the supply chain, followed by an open discussion on the next steps to address key barriers. Presenters will propose approaches to increase market adoption, recommend outreach methods to key market actors, and propose future research opportunities. This information will be helpful to those working in the multifamily sector and looking to understand the supply chain’s perspective. The discussion session following the presentation will engage attendees to consider the research findings and help shape the path forward for this technology.