SDBEC Mission Statement
WHO WE ARE: The San Diego Building Electrification Coalition (SDBEC) is an alliance of community, labor, business, faith, justice, and environmental organizations coming together to accelerate electrification in residential and commercial buildings in the San Diego region. Building electrification is essential to meeting California and San Diego’s ambitious climate goals by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving air quality in our homes and buildings, and protecting public health.
MISSION: SDBEC advocates for building electrification in new and existing buildings by supporting equitable building electrification codes, policies and programs throughout the San Diego region.
GOALS: The Coalition will work together to advance the following goals through an equity-centered lens that prioritizes Communities of Concern and Environmental Justice Communities, and respects community leadership
- Advocate to halt the expansion of methane gas infrastructure and accelerate the decommissioning of the current infrastructure within the built environment.
- Provide education and outreach to build community and market support for electrification.
- Advocate for the adoption of local all-electric building code ordinances across the San Diego region
- Advocate for jurisdictions to develop and implement programs that support electrification and improve affordability of electrification with policies, incentives, and financing
- Advocate for electrification policies before federal, state and regional entities, including, but not limited to, the California Energy Commission (CEC), the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), the Governor’s office and the state legislature, as appropriate.
GUIDING PRINCIPLES: The Coalition operates under the following guiding principles
- Center equity in the transition to all-electric buildings so that Communities of Concern and Environmental Justice Communities benefit from local investments and job creation.
- Emphasize creation and retention of, or transition to, family-sustaining clean energy union jobs with an accessible pathway for workers from Communities of Concern and Environmental Justice Communities supported by workforce training.
- Support efforts to increase the benefits of electrification by decarbonizing our electrical grid.
- Support cost savings and reliability gains through distributed energy resources.
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