City of Solana Beach

Solana Beach City Council Approves Building Electrification Ordinance

On 12/8/21, the Solana Beach City Council demonstrated their commitment to addressing the Climate Emergency by passing a Building Electrification ordinance for both new construction and major remodels.

Solana Beach is the 52nd municipality in California to pass an ordinance reaching beyond the state requirements for Building Electrification.  Ordinance 518 contains a number of new requirements for new residential and commercial buildings:

  • Electric only space conditioning, water heating and clothes dryer systems
  • Photovoltaics on commercial construction
  • Pre-wired battery storage
  • Electric ready buildings
  • EV Infrastructure requirements

Importantly, this reach code explicitly defines which major remodels are treated as new construction.  Since Solana Beach is substantially built out, the council decided that including major remodels was critical to ensure this ordinance achieves meaningful GHG emission reductions.

The San Diego Building Electrification Coalition commends the Solana Beach City Council for taking a leadership role in approving this ordinance. 

Media articles from the 11/10/21 first reading: